By filling out the membership application, paying your one time membership fee and remaining in good standing, you become an owner of the cooperative. One member = one vote. Everyone has a voice. As a member, not only will you receive a variety of benefits, but you also have a say in how the co-op is organized. You can be involved as little as, just shopping at the co-op, or you could be on the Board of Directors.
Joining the Co-op Benefits You Directly... Besides the feel good aspect of being part of something bigger than yourself, that will bring access to healthy, affordable, local food to our community? Well we have many other amazing benefits!
First 200 Founding Members will have their name placed on a plaque in the store
New member package (Ask us to find out what it currently includes!)
Member dividend/profit share rebate, once the store is profitable. The co-ops long term goal is to not only eventually profit share your original investment back…but even more over the long haul. We all can benefit from a successful store!
Access to store amenities, in accordance with in-store policies and procedures (i.e. time in the commercial kitchen, seats at cooking demonstrations, host your own classes/events)
You have a voice - as a member you get to influence how the co-op is organized and operated
...And The Community As A Whole! And of course your member-ownership is an investment in the future: this is something real that we can do now to create an hub that heals people, builds community, supports local, sustainable food production, and makes North County a better place to live. A food co-op will:
Recirculate money spent at the store into the local economy through higher wages, more local purchasing, and more local management than conventional grocery stores
Invest in local farmers by purchasing more local products than conventional stores
Support sustainable food by carrying more organic and ethically-produced products
Build community by serving as a gathering place that promotes education and investment in local food